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Balanced And Elegant Corporate Branding

Balanced And Elegant Corporate Branding

Aliquam molestie commodo lorem, vitae sollicitudin ex ultrices ac. Duis rhoncus eget dolor eget fermentum. In nulla velit, finibus id diam quis, interdum suscipit metus. Sed ut nisi vel diam…

Clean And Simple Notepad And Pen

Clean And Simple Notepad And Pen

Cras neque neque, sagittis quis sem ac, elementum venenatis massa. Phasellus non turpis eget nisl varius rutrum a sed sapien. Phasellus ullamcorper commodo metus auctor consequat. Duis vulputate vitae velit…

Hurricane Preparations

When preparing for a hurricane it is important to take some precautionary steps beforehand to help prevent damage to equipment, and ensure that your business can be up and running again…

Hourly Onsite

RAM Computer Services no longer offers hourly onsite service. We are 100% committed to our contract clients. Just as you would not wait until your car was not working to…


In Store Repair, Sales and Service: Located in downtown Hammond, our retail storefront gives you a convenient location to drop off and pick up. Find our more Virtual IT Department…

Remote Backup

Fully protect your important business data from hardware failure, natural disasters, accidental deletion, viruses, and malicious attackers. RAM’s Managed Remote Backup service provides the highest level of file protection by…

RAM in the news.

Ron Taylor, the Owner of RAM Computer Services is seen here cutting the wire to mark the official launch of the Hammond Free Wireless project. This was a project started…